Remember 2 Things
Perfect for a quick refresher training with your team, these short videos will give you two key practices that will help you be more effective when it counts.
Course Name | Course Description | Length |
Burn Care Part 1 | After watching this video, the viewer will be able to explain why it is important to prevent hypothermia when treating a burn and why we should not overcool the burned tissue. | 5m |
Burn Care Part 2 | After watching this video, the viewer will be able to explain why it is important to remove all the burn patients jewelry when treating in the field and why any facial burn patient should be considered an airway burn till properly ruled out. | 5m |
Pregnant Mothers and Trauma | In this Remember 2 Things video, it will explain why fetal trauma cannot be ruled out in the field and why pregnant women can bleed significantly without showing signs. | 5m |
Pre-hospital Delivery (baby): When to Transport | After watching this, you will be able to explain what to consider when deciding to deliver at home or enroute to the hospital. And explain why it is not recommended that you wait on the scene for the placenta to deliver. | 5m |
Remember 2 Things: Advanced Cardiac Monitors | This course details the EMT level skills that can be performed with an advanced cardiac monitor. | 10m |
Remember 2 Things: Aggressive EMS Treatment of Sepsis | Remember 2 Things host Steve Whitehead discusses two EMS interventions for patients with moderate or severe sepsis. Whitehead shares the importance of aggressive fluid administration and early hospital notification to improve a patient’s outcome. | 10m |
Remember 2 Things: Awareness During CPR | This course provides ways to recognize and manage patient awareness during CPR. | 10m |
Remember 2 Things: Becoming a Critical Care Paramedic | Considering becoming a critical care paramedic? Steve Whitehead discusses two things to take into account when doing so. | 10m |
Remember 2 Things: Becoming a Critical Care Paramedic 2 | Steve Whitehead gives the viewer two reasons to pursue critical care paramedic training. | 10m |
Remember 2 Things: Bleeding Control | This course covers the indications and uses of two important bleeding control methods: tourniquets and hemostatic dressing. | 10m |
Remember 2 Things: BVM Technique | This course demonstrates several techniques for good BVM technique. | 10m |
Remember 2 Things: Closed Looped Communication | This short video explains the importance of delivering clear and concise messages using closed-loop communication strategies. | 10m |
Remember 2 Things: Debunking Obstetrical Practices | We learn several hard and fast rules that we carry with us in the field. In this Remember 2 Things, Steve Whitehead debunks two common obstetrical practices. | 10m |
Remember 2 Things: Deciding When an Asthma Patient Needs Advanced Care | In this episode of Remember 2 Things, Steve Whitehead discusses the important factors to be aware of when deciding to use advanced care on an asthma patient. | 10m |
Remember 2 Things: Disaster Medical Teams | A strong disaster medical team must entail certain aspects in order to have high performance. | 10m |
Remember 2 Things: Disaster Response | In this episode, we will discuss how to navigate a disaster scene. | 10m |
Remember 2 Things: Effectively Transferring Handoff Reports | This course examines how to recognize the components of an effective medical hand-off report. | 10m |
Remember 2 Things: Employee Turnover | In this video, Steve Whitehead discusses the who as well as the why is important in turnover. | 10m |
Remember 2 Things: EMS Advocacy Part 1 | In this first part episode of Remember 2 Things, Steve Whitehead discusses the importance of advancing the EMS field, including starting advocacy groups right where you are and understanding that not everyone can help. | 10m |
Remember 2 Things: EMS Advocacy Part 2 | In the second part episode of Remember 2 Things: Advocacy, Steve Whitehead discusses the importance of patience and resiliency in the EMS field, especially when it comes to career advocacy. | 10m |
Remember 2 Things: EMS Advocacy Part 3 | In the third part episode of Remember 2 Things: EMS Advocacy, Steve Whitehead discusses two good places for jumping into EMS Advocacy, including an EMS Day on the Hill and state EMS associations. | 10m |
Remember 2 Things: EMS in Remote Environments | This course explores the jurisdiction and protocol for EMS in non-traditional settings like wildland fires, disaster medicine, and clinical environments. | 10m |
Remember 2 Things: EMS Related PTSD Coping Mechanisms | This course examines how to recognize healthy coping mechanisms for dealing with post-traumatic stress. | 10m |
Remember 2 Things: Essentials for Effective Patient Transfer | In this video, Steve Whitehead discusses what type environments are conducive to successful patient transfers. | 10m |
Remember 2 Things: Exit Interviews and Employee Retention | In this short video, Steve Whitehead discusses how exit interviews are not valid and how to actually retain employees. | 10m |
Remember 2 Things: Expanding your Protocols | This course explains two ways to be effective when requesting protocol changes. | 10m |
Remember 2 Things: Glucometers Technology | This remember two things episode describes the Glucometers technology and the advantages of reading the equipment manual. | 10m |
Remember 2 Things: High Performance Disaster Response Teams | In this episode of Remember 2 Things, Steve Whitehead describes two or more aspects of a robust disaster medical team. | 10m |
Remember 2 Things: How to Begin and End a Handoff Report | This course focuses on recognizing how to begin and end an effective medical hand-off report. | 10m |
Remember 2 Things: Improving Patient Handoff Reports | This course explores ways to improve patient handoff reports. | 10m |
Remember 2 Things: IO Lines Driver Slow Down | This episode of Remember Two Things will concentrate the most common reason for driver slowdown. | 10m |
Remember 2 Things: IO Lines Needle Selection | This remember 2 things segment will concentrate on choosing the correct IO needle type for a given patient. | 10m |
Remember 2 Things: Lung Sounds | This course helps differentiate between good and bad technique for obtaining patient lung sounds. | 10m |
Remember 2 Things: Motivated EMS Workforce | Remember 2 Things host Steve Whitehead discusses how to keep employees motivated. | 10m |
Remember 2 Things: Patient Comfort | This course will help you identify several methods to improve patient comfort. | 10m |
Remember 2 Things: Proper Emergency Care | This course covers the scope of practice and the standard of care. It will help you to recognize different factors that identify proper EMS care. | 10m |
Remember 2 Things: PTSD How to Talk About Calls | This course explains the differences between healthy and unhealthy coping mechanisms for dealing with post-traumatic stress. | 10m |
Remember 2 Things: PTSD Negative Coping Mechanisms | This course will help you differentiate between healthy and unhealthy coping mechanisms for dealing with post-traumatic stress. | 10m |
Remember 2 Things: Pulse Oximetry False Readings | This course examines how to recognize conditions that may cause false readings on a pulse oximeter. | 10m |
Remember 2 Things: Quality Assurance Review | This course helps recognize attitudes and behaviors to improve learning during quality performance reviews. | 10m |
Remember 2 Things: Quality Assurance Review #2 | This course is a continuation of recognizing attitudes and behaviors to improve learning during quality performance reviews. | 10m |
Remember 2 Things: Radio / Phone Communication #1 | This course differentiates between good and poor radio practices for effective communications. | 10m |
Remember 2 Things: Radio / Phone Communication #2 | This course continues the conversation about good and poor radio practices for effective communications. | 10m |
Remember 2 Things: Scope of Practice | This course details how EMT level providers utilize the advanced cardiac monitor. | 10m |
Remember 2 Things: Social Media Warnings | This single video course Identifies high-risk behaviors on social media that may violate professional and legal boundaries. | 10m |
Remember 2 Things: Social Media Warnings Frequent Trouble | This single video course explores the types of social media postings that should be avoided to maintain a professional business profile. | 10m |
Remember 2 Things: The After Effects of a Disaster Response | This video discusses the short and long-term psychological effects of a disaster response. | 10m |
Remember 2 Things: Treating Anaphylaxis | Anaphylaxis is a challenging patient presentation. Learn two signs to identify a life-threatening allergic reaction that demands aggressive treatment. If a patient has airway compromise, upper or lower, or signs of shock immediately treat with epinephrine and other protocol-authorized interventions. | 5m |
Remember 2 Things: Understanding Closed Loop | Learn to communicate more effectively by closing the radio communication loop. | 10m |
Remember 2 Things: Understanding Stroke Centers | This course describes the functional differences between primary and comprehensive stroke centers. | 10m |
Remember 2 Things: Using Lay Providers in Disaster Situations | When resources are limited in disaster responses, Steve Whitehead suggests recruiting laypersons for help. | 10m |
Remember 2 Things: When Reports Go Bad | This course identifies several methods for correcting a badly delivered hand-off report. | 10m |
Remember 2 Things: Workplace Incentives | In this video, Steve Whitehead discusses an incentive that does not motivate and one that does. | 10m |
Remember 2 Things:IO Lines Pharmokinetics | In this episode of remember two things we will discuss the differences between a standard IV line and an intraosseous line. | 10m |
Remember 2 Things-Performance Reviews | Remember 2 Things host Steve Whitehead discusses how to better use performance reviews. | 10m |