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Inspire, Engage and Develop Leaders with the Master Class Series

Master Class is a unique training series offered through Lexipol’s FireRescue1 Academy. Master Class courses address contemporary training challenges through an online experience that combines nationally renowned speakers with built-in learning activities designed to make the learning personal and applicable.
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Bring the Experts to You!

Master Class brings top-tier instructors and industry leaders to your department—benefiting all members, with no travel required. Your subscription provides a new course each quarter with certificates of completion, along with access to FireRescue1 Academy’s extensive library of more than 1,000 courses and videos.

Courses Available:

  • Career Development in the Fire Service – Dr. Denis Onieal
  • Leadership and Change Management – Chief John Butler
  • Survival on the Job – Deputy Chief Billy Goldfeder

Maintain  Officers’ Certifications

Assign, track and report on learning assignments electronically. Maintain your officers’ certifications and meet other training mandates, such as ISO.

Develop Future Leaders

Foster career development and inspire current and future fire officers to grow. Enhance or start a company/chief officer development curriculum.


Keep Fire Officers Engaged

Master Class uses an up close and personal format with personal assessments and “what would you do” scenarios to tackle the tough issues of fire service leadership.



Career Development in the Fire Service

Dr. Denis Onieal

Creating a Culture of Risk Management

Gordon Graham

Leadership & Change Management

Chief John Butler

Leading the Next Generation

Dr. Lori Moore-Merrell

Survival on the Job

Deputy Chief Billy Goldfeder

Addressing Liability in the Fire Service – NEW!

Curt Varone