Archive: FIREHOUSE Software® and Kaplan Make Fire & EMS Training and Recordkeeping Simpler
LA CROSSE, WI – Kaplan University School of Professional andContinuing Education’s Fire & EMS Training business has teamed up with theindustry’s leading software solutions provider, Xerox,to provide a more streamlined and cost-efficient process for managing emergencyresponse departments’ training needs.
The joint solution, FH Compliance Management System (FHCMS),will allow the details of any training completed within the Kaplan LearningManagement System (LMS) to be automatically transferred into a department’sFIREHOUSE Software® Training Module. Several new features to manage coursewareand associated training codes were added to Kaplan’s LMS Control Panel forthose departments and agencies that choose to utilize the integration betweenthe two companies. The desire and interest from the industry is what spurredthe idea to work together in providing an exclusive solution for training inrecords management. There will no longer be a need to manually enter thedetails for any training that personnel complete online.
FIREHOUSESoftware®—part of Xerox—provides departments with the best online firerecords management system in the industry, backed by world-class support.FIREHOUSE Software (FH®) is designed to make data entry and records managementas easy as possible for fire departments and EMS agencies of all sizes in alocal desktop mode or a cloud basedsolution allowing users to securely access and input data anytime, anywhere andthrough any device.
“FIREHOUSE Software will help make our clients’ lives easierby making the training management process easier,” said Kaplan Fire & EMSTraining Director Amanda Mercado. “This will allow emergency personnel to spendmore time keeping people safe and less time on paperwork.”
For information on the integrated FHCMS product, contactKaplan Fire & EMS at 1.800.671.9411.
Kaplan Fire & EMS is a division of Kaplan, Inc., a leading globalprovider of educational services, and a subsidiary of The Washington PostCompany (NYSE: WPO). For further information, please call 1.800.671.9411 orvisit