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Virginia Office of Emergency Medical Services

EMS1 Academy is an approved third-party continuing education vendor with the Virginia Office of Emergency Medical Services. EMS1 Academy has over 200 courses totaling over 200 hours of Advanced Life Support (ALS) and Basic Life Support (BLS) continuing education approved for use by Virginia certified EMS professionals to satisfy their continuing education requirements. Requirements vary according to the provider’s certification level, so please check your Continuing Education Report on the Virginia EMS Portal for more information. EMS1 Academy electronically reports approved course completions to the Virginia Office of Emergency Medical Services once per day.

To have your course completions reported to the Virginia OEMS, you must log into your EMS1 Academy account and set up your credential by selecting the appropriate license type: Virginia EMS – before completing any courses.

Virginia EMS providers requesting recertification must demonstrate eligibility as evidenced by completion of the continuing education requirements for the corresponding recertification program for the level to be recertified. Evidence of completion for the continuing education requirements shall be received by the Office of EMS in an approved method prior to certification expiration for the provider to be classified in current provider status.

Course Name Hours BLS ALS Virginia Topic Number
12-Lead EKG 3h CAT 2 17 30100
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (ALS) 1h CAT 2 17 30101
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (BLS) 1h 12 CAT 2 30102
Abdominal Trauma (ALS) 1h CAT 2 18 30103
Abdominal Trauma (BLS) 1h 13 CAT 2 30104
Acute MI and STEMI (ALS) 1h CAT 2 17 30105
Acute MI and STEMI (BLS) 1h 12 CAT 2 30106
Acute Psychosis (ALS) 1h CAT 2 19 30107
Acute Psychosis (BLS) 1h 14 CAT 2 30108
Advanced Airway: Intubation 3h CAT 2 16 30109
Airborne and Bloodborne Pathogens 1h 14 19 30110
Airway 1 1h CAT 2 16 30111
Alcohol-Related Emergencies (ALS) 1h CAT 2 19 30112
Alcohol-Related Emergencies (BLS) 1h 14 CAT 2 30113
Altered Mental Status in the Elderly (ALS) 1h CAT 2 19 30114
Altered Mental Status in the Elderly (BLS) 1h 14 CAT 2 30115
Alternative Drugs of Abuse (ALS) 1h CAT 2 19 30116
Alternative Drugs of Abuse (BLS) 1h 14 CAT 2 30117
Altitude Illness (ALS) 1h CAT 2 18 30118
Altitude Illness (BLS) 1h 13 CAT 2 30119
Ambulance Safety and Design 1h Cat 2 Cat 2 30120
Amputation and Hemorrhage Control (ALS) 1h CAT 2 18 30121
Amputation and Hemorrhage Control (BLS) 1h 13 CAT 2 30122
Anaphylaxis (ALS) 1h CAT 2 19 30123
Anaphylaxis (BLS) 1h 14 CAT 2 30124
Animal Bites (ALS) 1h CAT 2 18 30125
Animal Bites (BLS) 1h 13 CAT 2 30126
Anticholinergic Overdose (ALS) 1h CAT 2 19 30127
Anticholinergic Overdose (BLS) 1h 14 CAT 2 30128
Asthma (ALS) 1h CAT 2 19 30129
Asthma (BLS) 1h 14 CAT 2 30130
Back Pain/Injuries (ALS) 1h CAT 2 18 30131
Back Pain/Injuries (BLS) 1h 13 CAT 2 30132
Basic Airway Mastery 1h 11 16 30133
Blast Injuries (ALS) 1h CAT 2 18 30134
Blast Injuries (BLS) 1h 13 CAT 2 30135
Bloodborne Pathogens for First Responders 1h 14 19 30136
Body Armor and the Changing Landscape of Public Safety 1h 15 20 30137
Body Piercing (ALS) 1h CAT 2 18 30138
Body Piercing (BLS) 1h 13 CAT 2 30139
Burns (ALS) 1h CAT 2 18 30140
Burns (BLS) 1h 13 CAT 2 30141
Capnography for BLS: Getting Started with Capnography 1h 11 16 30142
Capnography for Respiratory Distress  (ALS) 1h CAT 2 16 30143
Capnography for Respiratory Distress (BLS) 1h 11 CAT 2 30144
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning (ALS) 1h CAT 2 19 30145
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning (BLS) 1h 14 CAT 2 30146
Chest Pain (ALS) 1h CAT 2 17 30147
Chest Pain (BLS) 1h 12 CAT 2 30148
Chest Trauma (ALS) 1h CAT 2 18 30149
Chest Trauma (BLS) 1h 13 CAT 2 30150
CHF Vs. COPD (ALS) 1h CAT 2 19 30151
CHF Vs. COPD (BLS) 1h 14 CAT 2 30152
Child Abuse (ALS) 1h CAT 2 20 30153
Child Abuse (BLS) 1h 15 CAT 2 30154
Children with Complex Medical Conditions 1h 15 20 30155
Club Drugs (ALS) 1h CAT 2 19 30156
Club Drugs (BLS) 1h 14 CAT 2 30157
Considerations for Pediatric Cardiac Arrest 1h CAT 2 17 30158
Current Trends in Stroke Care 1h 12 CAT 2 30159
Customer Service (ALS) 1h CAT 2 Cat 2 30160
Customer Service (BLS) 1h Cat 2 CAT 2 30160
Dehydration (ALS) 1h CAT 2 19 30161
Dehydration (BLS) 1h 14 CAT 2 30162
Dementia and Prehospital Implications (ALS) 1h CAT 2 19 30163
Dementia and Prehospital Implications (BLS) 1h 14 CAT 2 30164
Depression/Suicide (ALS) 1h CAT 2 19 30165
Depression/Suicide (BLS) 1h 14 CAT 2 30166
Determination of Death (ALS) 1h CAT 2 19 30167
Determination of Death (BLS) 1h 14 CAT 2 30168
Diabetic Emergencies (ALS) 1h CAT 2 19 30169
Diabetic Emergencies (BLS) 1h 14 CAT 2 30170
Disaster Operations 1h 15 20 30171
Disaster Response for EMS 1h 15 20 30172
Diving Emergencies (ALS) 1h CAT 2 18 30173
Diving Emergencies (BLS) 1h 13 CAT 2 30174
DNR (ALS) 1h CAT 2 Cat 2 30175
DNR (BLS) 1h Cat 2 CAT 2 30175
Drowning (ALS) 1h CAT 2 18 30176
Drowning (BLS) 1h 13 CAT 2 30177
Dyspnea (ALS) 1h CAT 2 19 30178
Dyspnea (BLS) 1h 14 CAT 2 30179
Elder Abuse (ALS) 1h CAT 2 20 30180
Elder Abuse (BLS) 1h 15 CAT 2 30181
Elderly Falls (ALS) 1h CAT 2 18 30182
Elderly Falls (BLS) 1h 13 CAT 2 30183
Elderly Hip Fracture (ALS) 1h CAT 2 18 30184
Elderly Hip Fracture (BLS) 1h 13 CAT 2 30185
Electrical Injuries (ALS) 1h CAT 2 18 30186
Electrical Injuries (BLS) 1h 13 CAT 2 30187
Emergency Operations EMS1 1h Cat 2 Cat 2 30188
EMS Crew Resource Management 1h 15 20 30189
EMS Lawsuits – Documentation/Patient Refusals (ALS) 1h CAT 2 Cat 2 30190
EMS Lawsuits – Documentation/Patient Refusals (BLS) 1h Cat 2 CAT 2 30190
EMS Research 1h Cat 2 CAT 2 30192
EMS Response to Active Shooter Incidents (ALS) 1h CAT 2 18 30193
EMS Response to Active Shooter Incidents (BLS) 1h 13 CAT 2 30194
EMS Street Survival – 1 1h 15 20 30195
EMS Street Survival – 2 1h 15 20 30196
EMS Street Survival – 3 1h 15 20 30197
EMS Street Survival – 4 1h 15 20 30198
Environmental 1h 13 18 30199
Evidence-based Guidelines for EMS Providers 1h 15 20 30200
Excited Delirium (ALS) 1h CAT 2 19 30201
Excited Delirium (BLS) 1h 14 CAT 2 30202
Eye Injuries (ALS) 1h CAT 2 18 30203
Eye Injuries (BLS) 1h 13 CAT 2 30204
Facial Trauma (ALS) 1h CAT 2 18 30205
Facial Trauma (BLS) 1h 13 CAT 2 30206
Firefighter Cancer: Prevention and Health 1h 14 19 30207
Gastrointestinal Bleeding (ALS) 1h CAT 2 19 30208
Gastrointestinal Bleeding (BLS) 1h 14 CAT 2 30209
Head Injuries (ALS) 1h CAT 2 18 30210
Head Injuries (BLS) 1h 13 CAT 2 30211
Headaches (ALS) 1h CAT 2 19 30212
Headaches (BLS) 1h 14 CAT 2 30213
Hepatitis and Job-Related Infectious Disease Concerns (ALS) 1h CAT 2 19 30214
Hepatitis and Job-Related Infectious Disease Concerns (BLS) 1h 14 CAT 2 30215
HIPAA For First Responders 1h Cat 2 Cat 2 30216
HIV/AIDS 1h 14 19 30217
Hyperthermic Patient (ALS) 1h CAT 2 18 30218
Hyperthermic Patient (BLS) 1h 13 CAT 2 30219
Hypothermic Patient (ALS) 1h CAT 2 18 30220
Hypothermic Patient (BLS) 1h 13 CAT 2 30221
Infectious and Communicable Diseases (ALS) 1h CAT 2 19 30222
Infectious and Communicable Diseases (BLS) 1h 14 CAT 2 30223
Influenza (ALS) 1h CAT 2 19 30224
Influenza (BLS) 1h 14 CAT 2 30225
Kidney Disease (ALS) 1h CAT 2 19 30226
Kidney Disease (BLS) 1h 14 CAT 2 30227
Leading a Safe and High Performing Ambulance Team 1.5h Cat 2 Cat 2 30228
Legal 2h Cat 2 Cat 2 30229
Lights and Sirens: Deadly Epidemic 1h Cat 2 Cat 2 30230
Liver Disease (ALS) 1h CAT 2 19 30231
Liver Disease (BLS) 1h 14 CAT 2 30232
Managing Chronic Care Patients (ALS) 1h CAT 2 20 30233
Managing Chronic Care Patients (BLS) 1h 15 CAT 2 30234
Managing the Pediatric Arrest (ALS) 1h CAT 2 17 30235
Managing the Pediatric Arrest (BLS) 1h 12 CAT 2 30236
Medical 1h 14 19 30237
Medication Errors (ALS) 1h CAT 2 19 30238
Medication Errors (BLS) 1h 14 CAT 2 30239
Medication-Resistant Pathogens (MRSA, TB, VRE, C.Diff) 1h 14 19 30240
Methamphetamine Abuse (ALS) 1h CAT 2 19 30241
Methamphetamine Abuse (BLS) 1h 14 CAT 2 30242
Myocardial Infarction (ALS) 1h CAT 2 17 30243
Myocardial Infarction (BLS) 1h 12 CAT 2 30244
Narcotic Abuse (ALS) 1h CAT 2 19 30245
Narcotic Abuse (BLS) 1h 14 CAT 2 30246
Near Drowning (ALS) 1h CAT 2 18 30247
Near Drowning (BLS) 1h 13 CAT 2 30248
Obstetrics 1h 14 19 30249
Operations EMS1 1h Cat 2 Cat 2 30250
Opioid Crisis: Protecting Our First Responders 1h 14 19 30251
Patient Assessment and Exam 1h Cat 2 Cat 2 30252
Patient Communication During Disasters (ALS) 1h CAT 2 Cat 2 30253
Patient Communication During Disasters (BLS) 1h Cat 2 CAT 2 30253
Pediatric Abdominal Trauma (ALS) 1h CAT 2 18 30254
Pediatric Abdominal Trauma (BLS) 1h 13 CAT 2 30255
Pediatric Altered Mental Status (ALS) 1h CAT 2 19 30256
Pediatric Altered Mental Status (BLS) 1h 14 CAT 2 30257
Pediatric Burns (ALS) 1h CAT 2 18 30258
Pediatric Burns (BLS) 1h 13 CAT 2 30259
Pediatric Chest Pain (ALS) 1h CAT 2 17 30260
Pediatric Chest Pain (BLS) 1h 12 CAT 2 30261
Pediatric Emergencies (ALS) 1h CAT 2 20 30262
Pediatric Emergencies (BLS) 1h 15 CAT 2 30263
Pediatric Falls (ALS) 1h CAT 2 18 30264
Pediatric Falls (BLS) 1h 13 CAT 2 30265
Pediatric Head Trauma (ALS) 1h CAT 2 18 30266
Pediatric Head Trauma (BLS) 1h 13 CAT 2 30267
Pediatric Overdose (ALS) 1h CAT 2 19 30268
Pediatric Overdose (BLS) 1h 14 CAT 2 30269
Pediatric Seizures (ALS) 1h CAT 2 19 30270
Pediatric Seizures (BLS) 1h 14 CAT 2 30271
Pediatric Shock (ALS) 1h CAT 2 19 30272
Pediatric Shock (BLS) 1h 14 CAT 2 30273
Pediatric Shortness Of Breath (ALS) 1h CAT 2 19 30274
Pediatric Shortness Of Breath (BLS) 1h 14 CAT 2 30275
Pediatric Spinal Injuries (ALS) 1h CAT 2 18 30276
Pediatric Spinal Injuries (BLS) 1h 13 CAT 2 30277
Pediatric Toxic Ingestion (ALS) 1h CAT 2 19 30278
Pediatric Toxic Ingestion (BLS) 1h 14 CAT 2 30279
Penetrating Neck Trauma (ALS) 1h CAT 2 18 30280
Penetrating Neck Trauma (BLS) 1h 13 CAT 2 30281
Pit Crew CPR (ALS) 1h CAT 2 17 30282
Pit Crew CPR (BLS) 1h 12 CAT 2 30283
Pregnancy and Dyspnea (ALS) 1h CAT 2 19 30284
Pregnancy and Dyspnea (BLS) 1h 14 CAT 2 30285
Pregnancy and Trauma (ALS) 1h CAT 2 18 30286
Pregnancy and Trauma (BLS) 1h 13 CAT 2 30287
Provider Well-Being 1h 15 20 30288
Radiation Injuries (ALS) 1h CAT 2 18 30289
Radiation Injuries (BLS) 1h 13 CAT 2 30290
Radio Communications for EMS 1h Cat 2 Cat 2 30291
Respiratory 2h 11 16 30292
Responders at Risk: Protecting First Responders From Opioid Exposure 1h 15 20 30293
Return of Spontaneous Circulation (ALS) 1h CAT 2 17 30294
Return of Spontaneous Circulation (BLS) 1h 12 CAT 2 30295
Safe and Effective Pain Management  (ALS) 1h CAT 2 19 30296
Safe and Effective Pain Management  (BLS) 1h 14 CAT 2 30297
Safe Transport of the Pediatric Patient (ALS) 1h CAT 2 20 30298
Safe Transport of the Pediatric Patient (BLS) 1h 15 CAT 2 30299
Scene Safety at MCI (ALS) 1h CAT 2 18 30300
Scene Safety at MCI (BLS) 1h 13 CAT 2 30301
Seizures (ALS) 1h CAT 2 19 30302
Seizures (BLS) 1h 14 CAT 2 30303
Selecting the Proper Personnel – Ability and Attitude 1h 15 20 30304
Sepsis (ALS) 1h CAT 2 19 30305
Sepsis (BLS) 1h 14 CAT 2 30306
Sexual Harassment Prevention – EMS 1 15 20 30367
Sickle Cell Crisis (ALS) 1h CAT 2 19 30307
Sickle Cell Crisis (BLS) 1h 14 CAT 2 30308
Six Core Elements of the EMS Culture of Safety 1h 15 20 30309
Snakebites And Stings (ALS) 1h CAT 2 18 30310
Snakebites And Stings (BLS) 1h 13 CAT 2 30311
Spinal Injuries (ALS) 1h CAT 2 18 30312
Spinal Injuries (BLS) 1h 13 CAT 2 30313
Spinal Motion Restriction (ALS) 1h CAT 2 18 30314
Spinal Motion Restriction (BLS) 1h 13 CAT 2 30315
Stabbings (ALS) 1h CAT 2 18 30316
Stabbings (BLS) 1h 13 CAT 2 30317
Stroke (ALS) 1h CAT 2 17 30318
Stroke (BLS) 1h 12 CAT 2 30319
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) (ALS) 1h CAT 2 19 30320
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) (BLS) 1h 14 CAT 2 30321
The Art of Patient Refusal (ALS) 1h CAT 2 Cat 2 30322
The Art of Patient Refusal (BLS) 1h Cat 2 CAT 2 30322
The Culture of Ambulance Safety 1h Cat 2 Cat 2 30323
The Obese Patient (ALS) 1h CAT 2 19 30324
The Obese Patient (BLS) 1h 14 CAT 2 30325
Toxic Inhalations (ALS) 1h CAT 2 19 30326
Toxic Inhalations (BLS) 1h 14 CAT 2 30327
Trauma EMS1 1.5h 13 18 30328
Treating Neck and Spinal Injuries  (ALS) 1h CAT 2 18 30329
Treating Neck and Spinal Injuries (BLS) 1h 13 CAT 2 30330
Triage (ALS) 1h CAT 2 20 30331
Triage (BLS) 1h 15 CAT 2 30332
Vehicle Operations EMS1 1h Cat 2 Cat 2 30333
Ventricular Assist Devices: Assessment and Treatment Considerations  (ALS) 1h CAT 2 17 30334
Ventricular Assist Devices: Assessment and Treatment Considerations  (BLS) 1h 12 CAT 2 30335
What Would You Do? 1h 14 19 30336
Wheezing (ALS) 1h CAT 2 19 30337
Wheezing (BLS) 1h 14 CAT 2 30338